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Random! (LoneRanger)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 at 12:58 AM

I pretty much spend my whole day in school earlier.
Wished I brought along my toiletries, pillow, packs of food and drinks. o.O

Oh yess...
Did my webdesign project - alone.
Come to think of it, its not that bad lah actually.
I had the WHOLE lab to myself. (^^,)
But no point also lah kan.. Not going to use each and every com anyway.
Yup.. I was pretty lonely.. it was cold.. and freaky also.. infact too quiet. o_O
Never thought that a computer lab can be such a peaceful place to be in. LOL!

But nonetheless! I managed to get a bulk of picture editing done up till 9pm.
I can slowly build my website already. I just hope the pictures won't be a bitch.
Cos picture size matter, and I kinda estimated it most of the time.
Which ends up me re-doing them. -____-"
Just hope that won't be the problem lah eh. hehe!

Anyway a cooling nice whether today huh? (^^,)
I Loike!
But I don't like at the same time. LOL!
This kind of weather can make me sick..!

To those who are feeling unwell, have lots of rest okay..
Take care of yourself yeah..
Cos many of my friends are falling sick :(
Then soon I think I may fall sick also..
Overworked, lack of sleep, mind keep on worrying, the rain..
WAH confirm chop I fall sick one!
but I dowan to kena chop so early le! I got projects to do!
Subjects to revise!!! Exams coming!!! *faint*

I'll update soon k (:


