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Random! (Email from TeoAhToot)

Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 2:00 AM
ahem ahem.. ANNOUNCEMENT!

This is an email sent by Rina. ahahaha!
Just wanna post it here - for fun and for reminder. (^^,)


in case you did not receive my mass email,
our Social Rep, Eric needs you all to bring $7 for the bbq.
Dawn, our treasurer, will be collecting it on monday.

any burning question to ask, feel free to contact me or Eric.
also, want any special request like GAMES, feel free to pester Victor!
want to help out in any ways, feel free to pester Eric! [;
got a problem to pay? ermm.. dont try to pester Dawn! haha.
hmmm... if you've got financial problems, dont worry yarh?
let any of the class committee know, and we'll try to help out as a class!



DO REMEMBER TO CHECK THE TIME, SEATS AND VENUE AT www.tp.edu.sg under student portal.


With regards,
Rina ;D

I'm looking forward to this BBQ infact. ahahaha!

Take care! (:

Random! (Tiger & Exchange)

Thursday, May 28, 2009 at 11:49 PM

Another case of a man (in New Zealand) being mauled to death by a White Tiger.
But unlike what happened in the recent Singapore's case, the tiger was shot. :(
Haiz poor tigers... They are indeed wild animals anyway.
So are the white ones more garang than the orange ones? o.O

White Tigers are beautiful creatures by the way.. =)

some sesat (lost) foreign exchange students came to Temasek the other day.
The objective was simple.
They learn about us, We learn about them.
Give the opportunity, Grab the opportunity.
(Just like life between humans and rats)
Its a Win-Win situation lah right. Well sometimes lah. hehe!

So they came to exchange:
knowledgeable knowledge,
great yet impossible ideas,
dirty clothes,
phone numbers,
and toilet papers.

Malaysian & Saudee (get it? lol) Arabian.

The "macam paham" moments.

Given the all important Geek Treatment.

Errr. This is just random. whahahahaahhahaa!

Before you guys get lost in thoughts about why the bloody heck they are dressed like this,
Its part their Communication Skills role-play-thingy lah.
Gotta give them the thumbs up for being sporting in this. ahahaha!

Ok lah.
This post is concocted out of boredom. LOL!
I'm done with all the projects by the way.. hooray!
But still need to study for the term tests!
-__-" omg.

I wish my friends
(CDS & IMI and Business school peeps, you know who you are)
all the best hoR! (:

Ok take care!

Attention Minorities: If you guys wanna have a illegal group study let me know. (^^,)

Random! (Birthdays - May)

Monday, May 25, 2009 at 7:24 PM
Today 25th May is my Mum & Dad's birthday.
They turned 47 and 50 respectively.
Dad loses his "4" liao! hee!

Just had a simple dinner outside.
Gee.. I wish I could make it more special...
I AM going to make it special one day (:
Thats my ultimate wish!
(well its one of many actually. hehe)
Love them both lots!
Mum aka my rugged and fun mother.
Dad aka my quiet but unpredictable father.

Hmmm.. like a mixture of ME huh? ahahahaha!

Yesterday 24th May was Farah's Birthday.
Happy Belated Birthday!
Ok yeah yesterday I wished you already..but nevermind lah..hehe!
Farah if you do drop by my blog, tag la okay?
At least I know (^^,)

Ok so I wish the people above..

Web Design proposal! - Done!
VDT graphic design 101 - Partially Done!
Computer Systems proposal! - Not Done!


Take care! (:

Random! (Colour My World)

Sunday, May 24, 2009 at 2:20 AM

whahahaha! I burned midnight oil coloring like a kid!
So 5 minutes ago from the time of this post, I'm finally done with my bloody concepts.
Almost done with my WDS though.
Still got those stuff like target audience lah,
why I chose this lah,
why I chose that lah.
Wahlau. So mah fun (troublesome)!
My problem lah! whahahahaha!

And I'm doing on Vespas, its just pure info man.
So doing a proposal is little bit harder than doing on awareness campaigns.

Oh by the way,
I hate doing proposals!
Propose..propose.. haiyah!
Save it for marriage uh! LOL!

Okay I'm cool now. heheee

My type of person is:
you give me the job, I execute the job and produce the end result.

you buy me teh tarik, I drink it and give you one big hug while saying "THANKS HOR!"

Ok I gonna hit the sacks now. Potato sacks.

Take care! (:

PS: See I told you I would randomly update. LOL! (^^,)

Random! (Testing Testing 1 2 3)

Thursday, May 21, 2009 at 10:03 PM
Okay I'm gonna make this quick.
Dunno whether I should hyperventilate and panic or not.
Since I got time to update this. whahaha!
Just to let you guys know that I'll be pretty busy, then (maybe) no time to update. =(

Below is my to-do list so I won't get "lost". hee
Rina or Danial or whoever, if you see any missing assignments below let me know. LOL!

And below is my term test schedule.
Why sia must be same day for 2 subjects..?? nb.

So after 2nd June then I'll be free lah okay? haha!

Ok Next.
Anyways Kris Allen won American Idol huh.. ahahaha!
Well I'm sure Adam Lambert's journey won't end - at all.

More than 670 million votes made throughout the season.. hmmm.
times that to let say.. 70 cents per vote
thats = US$469 million

Plus entry tickets, mini concerts, publicity fees etc etc

Do the maths.

Simon Cowell (executive producer) is laughing AND singing all the way to the bank. ahahaha!

Oh and I'll try to update when I can..
I try la k.. (^^,)

Besides, I'm known for being random when it comes to blogging. hehe!
So don't worry la k.
The photos Shidah gave to me! ahahahahaha!
I'm sooo going to come out with something.. LOL!!

OK take care! (:


Wednesday, May 20, 2009 at 1:03 AM

I actually drew this in my textbook last time.
A self made MMS message. LOL!
Almost forgot about it sia.

Just looking through and clearing my phone memory card lah..haha!

(To be continued)

Random! (Ex, Gays & Flu)

Sunday, May 17, 2009 at 12:10 AM

ahahahaha! A little late for that huh?

Hey have you guys seen the S-Factor trailer on Channel 5?
The one about impressing the potential mother-in-laws.. ahahaha!

Well I'm bored and I wanna have a say in that. lol!

So what comes to that girl's mind when she said she had 7 serious boyfriends?
(ok never really watched the show, I don't know her name)

I think ah, several things come into a girl's mind when they say such things.

"Hey.. I'm a hunter, I have a whole collection of ex-boyfriends la seh"

"I'm gorgeous okay.. many guys fall for me. Hell yeah I'm good!"

"I have more than 10 ex boyfriends (I'm hot). You? 2 only?? (wah piang I sad for you)"

Consciously I think a girl realises that they are infact - sounding cheap,
when they say they have many boyfriends.
Consciously a girl knows
another party might think that she,
simply just suck in relationships.
(thats why so many ex la right?)

these thoughts are simply overwritten by something else..
The sense of being proud. Proud to show others they are "powerful".
The great feeling of accomplishment?
Satisfaction to get whoever she wants?
A sense of achievement of having many boyfriends comparing to others?

Oh wells. Not only girls, guys also lah kay. ahahahaha!

Its the choice of being open and telling the truth
being discreet and telling a lie.

Yup a choice.

Speaking of choices,
American Idol finalist, Adam Lambert is gay. (I KNEW IT! whahaha!)
Possibly the first gay to win American Idol.
Undeniably much more talented (Clay Aiken sucks!)

Well being gay is his personal choice.
I'm sure you know about the recent controversy between an association - AWARE, and gay people.
The government says that Singaporeans need to have tolerance towards the gay society (homosexuals),
to give the same respect as between races and religion.
DPM Wong Kan Seng said that while Singapore is a conservative society,
homosexuals are entitled to their private lives.

Personally (after saying the above) I don't care. Gays are gays, its their choice.
Now lets move on with our bloody-fast-paced-no-money-no-talk-Singaporean lives.

The first case of swine flu is already across the causeway.
Eventually, it'll reach our shores. Its only a matter of time someone gets sick here :(

I hope the flu can be contained and won't be as serious as SARS.
I pray that my loved ones, my friends, the health care workers,
are safe and protected from this terrible virus.
Been praying hard.

Oh man I hate when my post sounds serious.

Hey! Do you know that 1 in 2 Singaporeans flirts on mobile phones?
Singaporeans can be a flirtatious bunch huh.. LOL!

Now go flirt you! go! LOL!
No link la right. :P


Okay take care! (:

Random! (School & Funny Faces)

Thursday, May 14, 2009 at 7:20 PM
Just another day in school..

Had a rare occasion of Dane, Hidayah, Liza and Aziemah having break together,
so why not take picture right?! ahahaha!

Okay next!

Below are random photos I took during lessons.

How to steal a hard disk.
No lah, just installing an additional hard disk drive.
Quite an okay subject lah,
at least now I know a thing or two about internal computer stuffs. :P

This is by far my favorite module lor! ahahaha!
Drawings bebeh!
Its the time for me to relax...
Pencil and paper, and I'm in my own world man. LOL!

This is Charlie
the wooden gay-looking model..ahaha!

Not an easy thing to draw at first, but I kinda get the hang of it. :P
So today was our last day with Charlie.
His last pose for us to draw kinda remind me of the mamak flipping prata in Johor.
He even looks like C-3PO of Starwars. (the gold body robot lah) ahaha!

Well its over for drawings (i think) and now moving on into photography!
See! How can this module not be my favorite right? ahahaha!

Okay next!
Research has shown that laughter can greatly reduce stress by as much as 80%.
The more you laugh, well.. the more fun!

So I think the humble web-cam serves more than just visual chatting.
Or whatever other visual "stuff" lah eh. lol!

See yourself or your friends looking like idiots then laugh like a bunch of siao fellas.

Ok go!

Irritated yokozuna face.

Creative flair goin' on.

I see you with my big big eyes!

ahahahahahaha! my obese look.

When I want money. whahahahaha!

So the next time you need laughter badly, turn on that webcam!
(provided you got the right software lah)
100% confirm chop you can laugh one!

Ok take care hoR!

This is a very brief post simply because Dane is feeling damn lethargic today. Hee.

Will update something else over the weekend! (i hope)

Random! (Selamat, Shopping & Sha la la la)

Sunday, May 10, 2009 at 3:20 AM
("poster" taken from www.sgclub.com)

As you all might know by now,
Mas Selamat Kastari has been captured, and of all places - Johor Bahru -___-"
11 states in East Malaysia.. Johor Bahru? wah piang eh.

Selamat - (which means "Safe" in english)
is safe, alive (cos everyone thought he drowned somewhere. lol!) and is safely taken into custody,
making us all feel a little much safer.

Wah but taking more than a year hiding/running from the law takes skill huh.

Well looks like nobody will be claiming the S$1,000,000 bounty then. =P

Hope theres no Toilet Break Season Two. ahahahaha!

I think now either the toilets he goes in future have no windows bigger than his head
the prison officers will stand no less than 10 inches behind him when he pees.


Okay next!

The day I really really really looked forward to!

Meet up/Hangout/Shopping with Farrr and Yana!!!

I dunno why I miss you both so much lah sia. LOL!

Rare meetups without cam-whoring is a big NO NO!

The day would be complete with Nizam and Farah though.. I miss them too! ahaha!
(*side track* Eh by the way Nizam, what happen to your kebun man? LOL!)
But unfortunately Nizam was involved in the Audi Fashion Festival and Farah was working.
Hope to see you both someday la can! ;)

Despite the incomplete-ness, the day went great!

Shopping with this two lovely ladies slash kukoos is fun!
aahhh! Just the thing I needed after a tiring week. phew~

Oh guess who we bumped in to..
ahahahaha! Our dear class chairperson, Wannie!

She's going overseas to study soon. We wish you the best dear!

Its Mother's Day and the girls bought handbags (or whatever species name you call them)
from Charles & Keith for their mums..
Sweet lah right?! the thoughts that count (=

Haiyah my mum (or my parents infact) is not in Singapore..
I thought I wanna cook for her or something. wahahaha!
Buy flowers also no point.
They'll be back on Monday lah.. Sian.

Buy handbag for her? Her tastes too complex la seh.
I'm still observing and studying her tastes.

Maybe 2 more years then I can successfully get the right bag. LOL!!

So anyways shopping around for Yana's stuff has never been this interesting.
Yes, I never thought it could be that hard to find the stuffs she wanted.
Finding the right one. wahh! *faint* ahaha!

(PS: [Yana] Despite of your random 'booty-shaking-to-the-music'
everytime you stand infront of the mirror with your clothes, I still love you. LOL!!)

Farrr's tastes is definately easier for me to understand.
We almost have the same taste. Almost..!
I like your style la Farrr! And your freaking shoes!!

Never have I thought that I would get anything from Zara (Man) in my life.
I fell in love.
(plus the verbal and telepathic psycho-ing from the girls)
What to do la rite? ahahahhaha!

(alamak got repeated pictures :P)

I certainly enjoyed the day! (=

Thank you darlings! Love you both lots lots! (:

Ok done!
Oh yeah by the way..

dalam diam eh Nadiah!
dah pandai enhance pictures ehh!
whahahahahhaha! cute kepe!

Okay! Take care! (:

Random! (*I don't know what title to give*)

Friday, May 8, 2009 at 12:34 AM

So which came first?
The Sign or the Bicycle?


Yup I can finally post something now :D
Cos now every Friday is a 'no-school' day! yayness!
Pretty much happy with my new timetable. hee!


Sometimes in a single day,
you can get the most unexpected calls from the people you miss..

Ros called me first to have a random hang-out.
(The pic above, she helped me took it. ahaha!)
Followed my Irna, but I gotta turn her down (sorry!) coz I "secured" a time for Ros. LOL!

Aiyah why must call at the same time one?! ahaha!

Anyways I miss you both (^^,)

Then the next day Farr called me, planning a meet up this Saturday with Yana!
Cos I miss this two lovely kukoos too!

Okay to the topic about school. ahahaha!

About my new course (and new class) that is.. heheh!

These are the modules I'm taking now:

Computer Systems
Web Design
Visualisation & Digital Techniques
Computing Mathematics 1
Problem Solving & Programming
Communication Skills

At least for now, I have one less maths to worry about.
Computing Maths 2 will be in the 2nd semester.
Human Computer Interaction will be in 2nd year.
So I somehow got a little head start for these 2 modules. lol!

So my overall impression of this class?
Surprisingly Good!
I'm pretty much taken care of lah..
Some went the extra mile to help me catch up with lessons, and I appreciate that (:

I try to talk as much as I possibly can. Get to know the mates a lil more better each day.
But since its only my 3rd day in my new class, I tend to observe only.. muahahaha!

Which brings me to another thing that I realised but never really give much thought to it..
I think ah.. I have my own "quiet" days. ahahahaha!
One of those days that I would just simply - talk less/keep quiet.
Its one of those days that I can't bring myself to talk to anyone.. -__-"
Its one of those days my vocal cords under-worked and my mouth prefers to remain shut.
And if I speak, I tend to stutter, mental blocked, and my English all broken. Don't ask me why.

So unfortunately, yesterday was one of the days.
Maybe too tired lah, maybe..
During Comm Skills lesson, when I presented my group's article.
I can't speak properly!
What the heck was wrong with me man? LOL! :P

If you know me long enough, you know how siow and talkative I can be. ahahaha!

So to sum up this week (from monday to thursday),
I've been pushing myself to catch up with lessons and catching up with friends.
Its a balancing game, and I hope I got it right.. (:

Ok lah. I'll update again soon over the weekend..
I'm burned out. ahaha!

Oh by the way my mum passed her driving test! whahaha!

Take care! (:

Random! (Twist Of Fate)

Monday, May 4, 2009 at 11:50 PM
After school..

This is what happens when Dane is bored,
(Hidayah is doing her work)
and Dane could not stop cam-whoring.

Then.. as I was happily having fun..
That phone call finally came..
Haiz. My heart sank..

Like kena eliminated from America's Next Top Model like that huh?!

Diploma in Interactive Media Informatics
I'm officially placed there..

It's bittersweet though. Got the course that I want..
I'm gonna really really really miss you guys! :(
It's been fun being with you peeps!

Thanks for everything! (the laughs!)
And do keep in touch!
Coz after all, we're still in IT school.. (:

You're officially Charlie, take care of the Angels hor!


Haiyah.. getting to know a new class all over again! Sian!
Once again Dane will enter class, blur like sotong.. -___-"

Didn't expect that its going to be the first and the last time
I shared my Ribena Gummy Pastilles with you peeps during lectures..

They laughed when I brought that.. ahahahaha! Cute kepe!
Mentos and Halls boring laaah! LOL!!