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Random! (Birthdays - May)

Monday, May 25, 2009 at 7:24 PM
Today 25th May is my Mum & Dad's birthday.
They turned 47 and 50 respectively.
Dad loses his "4" liao! hee!

Just had a simple dinner outside.
Gee.. I wish I could make it more special...
I AM going to make it special one day (:
Thats my ultimate wish!
(well its one of many actually. hehe)
Love them both lots!
Mum aka my rugged and fun mother.
Dad aka my quiet but unpredictable father.

Hmmm.. like a mixture of ME huh? ahahahaha!

Yesterday 24th May was Farah's Birthday.
Happy Belated Birthday!
Ok yeah yesterday I wished you already..but nevermind lah..hehe!
Farah if you do drop by my blog, tag la okay?
At least I know (^^,)

Ok so I wish the people above..

Web Design proposal! - Done!
VDT graphic design 101 - Partially Done!
Computer Systems proposal! - Not Done!


Take care! (:

