Today was a normal day. Bumming was the routine. ahahaha!
I read the online news about 3 wolves being charged the death penalty for killing sheeps more than they should. Like huh?
I thought we're supposed to conserve/protect animals?
I thought wolves have a place in the food chain and play a vital role in the ecosystem?
I don't know whats going on in this world man.
More improtantly, I don't know whats going to happen to that 3 wolves.
They don't know nothing about whats right and whats wrong anyway.
The only ones that can are US.
We the humans.
Wolves or other life forms in this world for that matter,
exist on Earth for a reason.
The most sensible thing to do now is have that little bloody thing called - tolerance.
Haiyah. I guess by now the animal rights activists are already there to protest. ahahaha!
Humans are becoming bizarre.
Even if we get past 2012 (like most would predict the-end-of-the-world is)
Earth would roughly survive till 2050, time when most scientist predict,
the global depletion of fossil fuels.
Add global warming on top of that.
How bizarre will humans be at that year eh?
I watched a documentary about Geo-Engineering,
Where few humans that care about the world tries
to invent machines or structures to counter global warming, saving the earth.
Theres this radical plan where they propose to make a Sun Shield in orbit,
to block a percentage of the Sun's rays.
But the plan would cost trillions of dollars in material and logistic expenses.
A humongous cost that will even bankrupt the world economy.
Come to think of it, do we really need the money?
Why does the world have to revolve around the paper note with that "$" sign?
A paper note that has a value, a value we only perceived its there?
Only our mind says it has value. The only thing people will kill for.
So.. Does Earth have to pay money to the Universe to save itself?
If money is taken off each and every soul, off the the face of earth,
will humans survive?
will the earth survive?
Humans do not want equality if you think about it. A sad fact.
Thats why theres the rich and the poor on this freaking world.
I tried the "experimental" cereal choco coated cookies I suggested to mum,
and its still crispy bebeh!
The recipe for the cookie dough:
160gm butter
80gm fine sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
200gm of plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon bi-carbonate soda
Cereal amount according to you.
Just make the dough into small balls and throw them inside a bowl of cereal.
Squeeze together to get more cereal in.
Put them into paper cups.
This amount of dough makes about 2 baking trays.
Baking time is 20minutes at 160degrees.
Lastly pour any type of chocolate desired into the cups.
PS: This recipe might not be successful depending on your technique or ways,
important thing, is through trial and error.
Because mummy made alot of effort in coming up with this recipe (years I tell you),
I've ask for mum's permission and came up with the terms. and I have to respect those terms.
I've to say its a "family copyright" muahahaha!
Mum is choosy on who she wants to pass the recipe to lah..LOL!!
Oh its the recipe for my mum's power-to-the-max chocolate cookies. ;D
Have fun trying yeah?!
And thats all for today. Take care!! (: