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April Fool-ish

Wednesday, April 1, 2009 at 11:56 PM
Right after midnight on April 1st,
I had a hard time believing in people.
ahahaha! So sorry lah.
I just don't wanna be fooled.

April Fools Day.
hmmm.. to me any time of the year can fool anyone la kan.. muahaha!

Its bad timing lor that the exam results are released today.
Wanna share the results with friends but hard to believe what they tell.
Not only that, my friends don't wanna believe me some more!
ahahaha! wahlauway.. -__-"
Yelah I know I play pranks and stuff on you guys but not always la kan. hee!

*side track*
Deep down.. I'm a really nice guy..


OKAY so to cut the story short/pendek,
1st April is the day that everyone is skeptical towards each other.
chicken mcnugget betol this damn day.
Some people already kena fooled.
Like my friend, (dowan to say name). whahahaha! kesian seh.

Fortunately (or Unfortunately..hehe) I didn't even think of fooling anyone today.
Feeling kinda unwell uh.. :(
Trying hard not to fall sick. Being sick sucks.
Sick, Suck, Sack.
Wah change the vowels become different words aye. cool. urrr..

I should say that Nizam's bloody sms
in the morning, when I was still in bed kinda jerked me abit! nabey buah laichee betol!
But I still was aware lah that it was April Fools day.

Aku gigit kau macam kat gambar bawah nie baru tahu!


Take care my dear readers.. (^^,)

