Ooooh yeah...
Another boring day.
I realised that it's been a long time since I blog about my day.
You know.. about how my day went by each bloody minute, and stuff like that.
Here goes..
I started my day opening my eyes, finding myself still in bed - at 2pm -__-"
Yup woke up at freakin 2pm!
Worst than ever.
Usually i wake up at an exact timing of 12:24pm everyday since the holidays.
No not since the holidays lah, but it got worst gradually. hehe.
FIRST WEEK! 09:15am
SECOND WEEK! 10:27am
THIRD WEEK! 11:06am
FORTH WEEK! 12:15pm
THIS WEEK! 02.07pm
YES i'm crazy. I keep track of (remember) my sleeping patterns. ahahaha!
So I guess other than sleeping late everyday,
the other factor contributing to this, is the fact that
I know tomorrow would be just as boring.
So why get my butt off the bed right?
Unless theres something to look forward to lah kan. ;) hehe!
SO anyways I woke up
I wash here, wash there,
brush here, brush there, (don't think so much. brush teeth la eh!)
Then smell here, smell there - looking for food in the kitchen.
Too bad its yesterday's dish.
Oh well I bedal only.
Went online, check my blog, check emails etc2
Listen to songs, bla bla koochi koochi wala wala bing bang uurrgghh!
(Warning: Lazy-to-type-syndrome in
Watched tv.
Munched on high calorie stuff.
Played with my cats. (actually only Fiffy lah. hehe bias eh :P )
Drawed some random stuff on paper.
Did abit of laundry.
Cook some cucur lemak manis (the instant one by Adabi! nice u know! haha)
Went online to take part in some creative competition. (which I spent 2hours on)
Watch tv again.
Went out to buy dinner. And have my dose of teh tarik.
Watch tv again.
CHECK EXAM RESULTS!!!! *updated at 2:53am*
CHECKED MINE ALREADY! -__-" *updated at 2:53am*
ahahahaha! errr.
Anyways, i think i'm financing my dream vespa soon by working.
Which I think would go against what i wanted. (desperate times bebeh)
I need a bike, so i can go to secluded, pristine and tranquil places -
and do some photography. (Ahem *don't think mcm2 eh*). Fun eh.
Eh by the way do you guys know that
during the first 6 weeks in your mummy's womb
Yup even me.. -___-"
Soo err yeah. Sorry National Geograhic channel on behind me lah. So kinda overheard it.
If my male testosterone didn't kick in back then.
I would be girl.
Not hairy.
With boobs.
No balls. whahahaha! Wooo i would be a tall girl aye..
ok shuddup.
Writing a "about the day" post during the holidays is so much harder.
Unless if i go out.
So I guess I'll stick to random topics and photoshop-ing for now. haha!
Ok so to end off my boring post,
I've inserted a video.
Like a cherry on an Ben & Jerry Cookie Dough ice cream la eh..
Coz I know my post boring. hehehe!
Just a vid of what happens every time I wake up.
(alah actually nothing interesting la -__-"
Have a