Me and Hid had an impromptu plan to just hang out.
She out of the blue ask me out..lol!
Tak penah2 seh..ahaha!
Well I was bored at home anyway so why not.
Still need socialize. hee!
Hidhub! Next time people ask whether wanna do survey, say - NO TIME!
Something like that.. OK?
*our insight moment lah*
And Fareez! you should have just join us la can.. -__-" lol.
So anyway..
was talking about this topic to Hid earlier..
About whether its true that -
when the closer you are to that person,
the harder it is for that person to listen to your advice.
Personally, I think its quite true.
I guess its human nature to think such ways.
I think,
when you're close to him/her,
He/she would accept what your advice is,
BUT they doubt on it,
AND they seek for another (person's) advice to substantiate it.
And that "person" can be anyone thats not even close to him/her.
Yeah its human behaviour,
But it sucks at the same time lah.
Its the same as not being someone thats - believable.
It is human behaviour to seek comfort whenever possible.
Even in opinions, suggestions and advice.
I'm speaking this out of experience. - many.. experiences.
But then again, they might just born to be stubborn. LOL!
If they're not stubborn, it'll be a different story right?
Okay don't wanna drag about this..
At least being stubborn is better than being arrogant.
Wealthy and arrogant. Still acceptable.
(humble ones are extremely rare and therefor - respected - at least by me)
Wanna-act-wealthy and arrogant. Wah this is the worst!
Its near impossible to change an arrogant person.
So lets just leave it that way.
How random can I be talking about this. ahahaha! o.O?
K time to sleep.