Alright initially I don't wanna blog about this but what the heck la kan.. ahahaha!
Due to the abundance of time I have now, (and possibly a pinch of boredom)
I decided to bake a cake!
And what better time to bake a cake than for someone's birthday aye!
In this case, Its Ayin's 19th birthday! ahahaha!
oKay.. I skip all the "doing" parts. Lazy uh want to elaborate.
Step by step lah.. bla bla blah.. LOL!
Maybe I'll do that some other time k.
Too worried about the cake going wrong to go take pictures and stuff.. ahaha!
So after the baking is done,
out of the big cake,
I cut/chop and..
I took..

and a picture-memory-to-object projection skill. o.O?
But nothing of that can compare to this!
(note: I can't find pink vermecelles rice. At Haig Rd got, but far la seh! haha!)
Pink is one of her favorite colors.. :P
So I bought the mix-of-seven colors bottle..

Yeah I meticulously sort out the Pinks!
And the Whites too.. scared not enough pink lah. wahahahahahha!
(Thanks to my darling lil sister for helping me out a little on!)
And delivered!!
Sorry I got sleepy face uh.. spent the whole night on this "project".
Slept 1-2 hours only okay.... LOL

Her mom likes it.. ehehehehe! shy la shy..! LOL!!
Thanks for your time Ayin! (=
Sorry that I kinda put back the calories you had just shed. :P
Alright people.. I cut the story short okay?
My sleepy eyes cannot tahan the computer screen already. haha!
Take care! (: ZzzzZzz