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Random! (Missing & Market)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009 at 1:46 AM

Have you seen this guy?
His name is Mistri (or Mystery in english)
No wonder he's missing!
Mysteriously gone. ahahahaha!
See! even foreigners go missing. Poor boy.. I hope he's already found (and Mistri too).


So I spent the day with Irna la today. Yup another one of our random escapades.
Indulging in Teh Tarik and whatever that goes along well with it.
Getting into extreme cam-whoring where "no sweat" in not an option.
Involving in situations like:
When Irna sings,
i'll eventually join in to spoil the whole song with my
abnoxious singing and (often/rather) disturbing dance moves.
(wei Irna! i need pictures to support this statement lah! LOL!!)

Before all that she came to my place to bedal (means 'eat' in malay) my mum's asam pedas.

You know, the good thing about having a crazybest friend living one block away is that,
when my mum doesn't cook, can go her house eat (if her mum cooks lah).
And vice versa
. ahahahaha!
Got one moment when she wanted to shower at my place when her toilet was renovating. Funny sia.

So anyway, initially I thought of doing a new episode on Dane's Kitchen with her as my "guest".
ahahahahaha! ni la takde keje la kan..
But my mum already whipped up something when I was in dreamland
(i woke up at 12 btw. haha), so had to cancel lor..


Heard the news about the major case of food poisoning in Geylang Serai market?
Where more than 100 got sick after consuming a seemingly normal Indian Rojak.
And 1 of them (a makcik) died after going into a coma.
Guess the owner will have a rojak life ahead of him. :P
I was at that market with my mum doing some market-ing.
We ate there at the hawker centre and lucky we never ordered that rojak..
Its a famous rojak stall by the way.
Well investigations are still ongoing so I can't say anything much or blame the owner.
Skali he kena sobatage how? haha

See! I go market with mum - and with puffy eyes.
Forced to wake up at 7.46am man. ahahaha!

So lastly I just wanna add this picture below.
Afterall this is a random post. ehehehehe!
Lets just call her - Ida.

(top) Putih-Melapak-I-See-Ghost face. ahahaha!

(bottom) She sang for me lah!! So sweeeeet right?!!

No lah... I actually dunno what she's singing! She's just practising something.
She will randomly laugh when I say something stupid.

Oh by the way,
the music that was unavailable before in my playlist is now, available again.
Sheesh. They can't make up their minds man. -__-"

