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Random! (Yellow Lemons Red Onions)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 at 2:13 AM

::2009 is not as good as I thought.::

Political Riots in Thailand.

Hey c'mon lah citizens of Thailand or Thailanders o.O?
Can stop the childish-like political drama or not?
Everytime I see you people protest here protest there on television,
Its becoming annoying lah - yet I feel like laughing. ahaha!

Throw petrol bomb/stones/chairs here and there,
Shout here shout there.. tunjuk terror
Damage properties and buildings lah, dunno for what.
It belongs to the very land you're born at!
Paid by your taxes with money you earned dammit!

Yellow happy, Red not happy.
Red happy, Yellow not happy.

ALAMAK. Mcm nak debik jer budak2 nie. LOL!

When you people wanna move on man..?
Can just move on or not? ah can can?

The Red shirts (thats what they're called)
just disrupted the Asian Summit hosted in their own country,
causing it to cancel.
Its a shame, they are infact - shaming themselves.
Might as well get the hell out of Thailand right?

I mean why not give the new Prime Minister a chance?

Wanna bring the country down to its knees you say?..
Never think about your children is it?
What future can you bring to them if what they see now is destruction?
Your country is a developing country.
Please realise that lah, help develop it further, for your own future.
Fight fight fight.. How to progress like that..?

Don't you have anything better to do? Like earning a living?
Gather around in big groups wasting your bloody time protesting.
A bunch of sotongs following, listening to what the leader says.
More like a herd of cows.
Then waste money buy food when you're hungry after protesting. -___-"


If both sides don't wanna give in, then thats a shame.
Grow up mannn.

Wish the King would bring out a big fat rotan (cane)
and whack the butts of these childish people.
Naughty lah kan...

Even my cats can behave better! (well sometimes lah)
See the video.
They're on night Guard Duty.. ahahaha!

