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Random! (Geylang Terror)

Saturday, April 11, 2009 at 1:45 PM
So 2 woman died and 1 woman had a miscarriage.
Hmm.. Its more serious than I thought.
I read the teletext news, and they (NEA) said they caught quite
alot of rats at the premises.
BUT i wonder,
Why is it that only people who ate only at the rojak stall had food poisoning right?
Why are the other foods not affected?

So I think this might be the reason..

Rat's change of taste in todays world lah..
They seemed to go nuts about the indian rojak gravy.
Coz afterall, Indian rojak gravy contain nuts anyways.
They might even swim in the gravy if they want to. haha!
Okay okay..
the above rats look rather cute.
I think the rats at Geylang are more menacing,
like the one below..


I noticed more and more Singaporeans eat out..
I guess more and more are too busy with their lives to actually cook at home.
Singapore after all is a fast paced society..heh.

Walk, See, Buy, Eat, Walk.

Then throw rubbish anyhow. nabey buah langsat betol.

Beli beli beli..maaakan makan.. (Farr's tagline. lol!)

Ok so we need to be careful at where we eat!
Check the surroundings!
Smell the air!
Hear the sounds!
Taste the left-overs!
See got rats dancing around or not..
If you do.. I suggest you run! LOL.

Sometimes its not the rats fault lah.
They have to eat too mah..
So got opportunity to eat good food, eat lah right?
See.. Like most typical Singaporeans. haha!

So I've got to say that Singaporeans should eat at home..! (yeah even me..hehe!)
Cook lah dont be lazy.. Its not that hard mah..
Go buy cookbooks, search online recipes, impress others!
And its definately more cheaper than eating out,
and I would say its more safer lah (provided you know what you're doing lah..haha)

If people still stubborn, I guess the next step is
to introduce pre-makan warnings at strategic locations.
To remind everyone that theres risk involved when eating out.

^This one is right on the face one!
If can, put on the spoon also!

Oh btw the above picture is when I ate Sop Kambing at Boon Keng.
Power! But i recommend you eat this only once a month.
Very high in cholestrol hor!
Infact! All food taste nice with cholestrol in it.
Eat too much, and it'll bring early death. haha.
Another reason why you should cook at home. ahaha!

^This is good for stalls that have super long never ending queues.
The customers can read this while waiting for their turn.
More than enough time for them to absorb & realise that theres THE RISK.
Hmmm the nasi lemak stall at Changi Village should have this. haha!

^Okay this one very obvious la hor.
Can add-on an automated 100 decibel repeating verbal warning system if they want to.

So fellow Singaporeans..
Cook at home lah can? Save money..
Can save money on hospital bills also..

Hmm.. they should introduce more stray cats there,
Or experience/commando trained cats!
to patrol the premises at night,
and keeping the rats away..
Imagine a cat snapping the neck of a rat. haiyak!! lol.

Alright, these cats should have a leader!

Bow down to her you pussies!


Hey can you guys help me vote on which layout is better?
(at the top above my playlist)

Thanks! (:


