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Random! (Nothing to do for sure)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 11:20 PM

I'm bored.
Holidays started yesterday.
I got this "I-wanna-do-something-but-I'm-lethargic" feeling
I don't even have the power to type this line. ahaha!

Maybe its because I know the holidays won't be as great knowing I have assignments to do.
Last week's hectic workload submission experience took a toll on me.
Scared of deadlines now. Deadlinophobic. Ok I created that myself. HAHA

Hmm. Maybe soon I shall start on whatever blogging or write-ups I need to do.
MOS storyboarding? will do that next week - I hope.
I wonder when can loan the camera and do shooting. RINA!! ahahaha!
Thinking of re-doing my Color&Compo paintings, ALL of it. O_O
Tonnes of sketches for Freehand Drawing module.
I should do sketches instead of sitting infront of the laptop all day huh? Oh man!

I should just hang out with anyone soon. But who to hang out with ah? muahahaha!

Ok as usual, I did something random.


Well school starts on 28 December.
E-learning a.k.a "self learning" for some modules on first week. Like - urgh.

I need to apply for reservist deferment again.
Dunno if thats going to be approved since deferment must be applied
10 weeks before my reporting date.
I counted, I have less than 10 weeks lor. knn.

The letter was dated around March, now then I got. Wah piang eh.
If not approved, wah die ah!
The in-camp training falls on the project submission season. F#$%. ahaha!

Oh well.

You guys take care! (:
My phone camera sucks by the way. ahahaha! random.

