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Random! (Geekgasmic)

Sunday, November 8, 2009 at 12:49 AM
Geekgasm (gēk'găz'əm)

1. (n.) A feeling of intense pleasure that occurs as a result of a nerdy experience. A fit of intense geekly joy, happens when a geek runs into someone or something exceedingly geeky not seen every day, or when they get uber excited and riled up; When a geek goes into geekstcy, Has a geek-on; What makes a geek go crazy; When a geek has reached his or her geek climax; The equivalent of a sexual orgasm for a geek.

Example: He had a geekgasm after receiving new MacBook Pro.

2. (v.) To experience a geekgasm.

Example: He geekgasmed after seeing Star Wars.

from urbandictionary.com

