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Saturday, October 4, 2008 at 12:16 PM

These adorable kids are either:

1. Practicing car pooling at a very young age.
With the environment and car-overpopulation concerns in Singapore,
the government encourages car pooling.
If an average car seats 5 people,
1 (A) will be the driver.
The other 4 (B,C,D & E) will be freeloaders.
However, if "B" decides to drive, "C,D & E" will be freeloaders while "A" will be a jackass.
If "A,B,C,D & E" can't decide where to go and are going to different destinations,
Duduk rumah tido sudah!
- or take public transport. peace.

Too bad all kiddy rides are only 2 seaters max.
Hope they're not going to be a future organized car jacking gang though. haha

2. Maximizing their dollar.
An important skill other than being thrifty.
Every dollar spent must be made full use of, yes, this is called maximizing.

The following is the equation, I came out with, to attain maximization:

10(x-1)= 10x- 10 you can rewrite that as 1000- 10x+10= 1010- 10x. Of course, if the price is x dollars each, then the fun is x times the number of thrill seekers or just
x(1010- 10x)= 1010x- 10x^2.
Hmmm.. yeeeeaah (asal boleh je aku..ahaha!) o.O?
Go figure.

3. Fostering teamwork.
Cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group (sociology) of persons acting together as a team or in the interests of a common cause, unison for a higher cause, people working together for a selfless purpose, and so on.
(Adopted from Wikipedia lah..hehe)
Balancing on a rocking kiddy joy ride while listening to repeating-annoying-kiddy-song takes lots of skill ohkay.

4. Just kids gone wild.
Do I have to elaborate this?

5. (Darn I can't think of number 5!)

