Planning where to eat is mind draining.
Especially me, so indecisive at times. haha.
Watching tv shows like those about makan and stuff
really give "the push" to actually go out and eat.
So me and family decided to go to Mackenzie Rex Restaurant,
after my mum watched the show "Jalan-jalan cari makan"
(Walk walk find food)
No T-rex cooked in sweet sour sauce here.
Upon arrival,
with heavy rain pouring on us and half my body wet,
I can see over the counter that this place received commendations like "Anugerah Daun Pisang" and "Jalan-jalan cari makan" for its Chicken Rice..
Unfortunately, i don't find its chicken rice any special.
The squid charkuay, prawn fritters, chicken wrapped with tofu skin, sweet sour fish.. urhh. average.
The only thing nice is their chicken rice sambal and wet tissue (which smelled nice).
Anyway i LOVE to eat.
Call me a food adventurer coz i like to try new things/food.
If there are no halal restrictions I would have tried all kinds of food.
But pork is still out lah. I don't find it appetizing..ahaha!
Last year in Thailand,
I could have tried the bugs sold on the streets if someone dared me to.
And travelling around the world to explore food is 1 of the things i would want to do.
So tourism here I come!
I'm pretty sure there are halal food places around the world.
For now i just see shows like
Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations on Discovery Channel Travel&Living lah.
And darn! if i know Nitec in Culinary Skills (Yes Nitec, Not Higher Nitec) can forward to diploma,
i would have joined that course!
In the news, a top student in that course, with scholarship, got to study in France!
urghhh. wah piang. sakit perot seh aku bila dengar tu.
Je suis bon trop vous sais!!
why ooooh whyyyyyy!!??
My teacher Mdm R, wants me to write an official letter to why i didn't attend her class on Friday.
Which is kinda ridiculous.
This is what my letter would look like is IF i were to write:
Dear Mdm R,
As I am required to write a letter about the reason why I did not attend your class, this is my letter.
I don't feel like attending classes after 12pm that day. That is called skipping class.
I apologize for not attending your class.
Your faithfully,
Thats the truth what.
Of course I won't bother to write lah.
What is she going to do? Make me write lines?
Ok ok skipping classes is not good. I know.
1st week is bo chiap.
2nd week and beyond shall be better. I hope.
Especially me, so indecisive at times. haha.
Watching tv shows like those about makan and stuff
really give "the push" to actually go out and eat.
So me and family decided to go to Mackenzie Rex Restaurant,
after my mum watched the show "Jalan-jalan cari makan"
(Walk walk find food)
No T-rex cooked in sweet sour sauce here.
Upon arrival,
with heavy rain pouring on us and half my body wet,
I can see over the counter that this place received commendations like "Anugerah Daun Pisang" and "Jalan-jalan cari makan" for its Chicken Rice..
Unfortunately, i don't find its chicken rice any special.
The squid charkuay, prawn fritters, chicken wrapped with tofu skin, sweet sour fish.. urhh. average.
Anyway i LOVE to eat.
Call me a food adventurer coz i like to try new things/food.
If there are no halal restrictions I would have tried all kinds of food.
But pork is still out lah. I don't find it appetizing..ahaha!
Last year in Thailand,
I could have tried the bugs sold on the streets if someone dared me to.
And travelling around the world to explore food is 1 of the things i would want to do.
So tourism here I come!
I'm pretty sure there are halal food places around the world.
For now i just see shows like
Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations on Discovery Channel Travel&Living lah.
And darn! if i know Nitec in Culinary Skills (Yes Nitec, Not Higher Nitec) can forward to diploma,
i would have joined that course!
In the news, a top student in that course, with scholarship, got to study in France!
urghhh. wah piang. sakit perot seh aku bila dengar tu.
Je suis bon trop vous sais!!
why ooooh whyyyyyy!!??
My teacher Mdm R, wants me to write an official letter to why i didn't attend her class on Friday.
Which is kinda ridiculous.
This is what my letter would look like is IF i were to write:
Dear Mdm R,
As I am required to write a letter about the reason why I did not attend your class, this is my letter.
I don't feel like attending classes after 12pm that day. That is called skipping class.
I apologize for not attending your class.
Your faithfully,
Thats the truth what.
Of course I won't bother to write lah.
What is she going to do? Make me write lines?
Ok ok skipping classes is not good. I know.
1st week is bo chiap.
2nd week and beyond shall be better. I hope.