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Pest Management.

Saturday, October 25, 2008 at 8:33 PM
I woke up today to see Kid watching over this hole in the kitchen.
Must be a cockroach or something.
Already there are 2 cockroaches laying dead in the house,
1 near the stairs,
1 at the living room.
My cats are true cockroach killers bebeh. ahaha!
The only part I hate is to clean up their massacre mess!



An over-confident victim.

An observant victim.

A fierce Ah-Beng like victim.

A suck-up victim.

A forgetful victim.

A "family man" victim.


Heheh. No cockroach is safe in my home... *toink toink*

Flying cockroaches still freaks me out! wah piang.
They fly anyhow, place so big anywhere can land,
they die die wanna land on you one. nabey.

1 Responses to Pest Management.

  1. Niz Says:

    I hate flying cockroaches too! It seems like they love to attack humans, no? Haha! EEEEE!
