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Service for Community

Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 11:47 PM

! ^_^

So how do you like my new look? (my blog lah)
Feel like taking color pencils to color it up? hehe!

So how's your new week coming along?

Had any holidays overseas?
Been hanging out till sunrise?
Worked like mad and earning money?
Got something new for yourself..?

Well I hope you had a great new week! (:

Last Monday and Tuesday,
I spent both days from 9am to 4pm delivering food rations
to the needy/home-bound individuals for the Eurasion Association,
of course with my one and only Rina (chey chey.. LOL!)
She's my date for 2 days. xD
With thanks to my lecturer Ms Josephine for the opportunity. ^_^

You can't truly know the whole story just by reading the title of a book.
You've to open it up, go deeper into its content
and (by going through it) understand what the story is.

Same goes for Community Service.
We often go on with our lives thinking that everything out there is alright.
Everyone is fine.
But truly and sadly, it is not.
We didn't open ourselves up to take notice of certain minorities living around us. :\

My experience during that 2 days?
From a simple service of delivering food rations, vouchers and money,
I get to see a bigger picture.
And that made me think that we had taken things for granted way too much...

Have you?

We often think about ourselves and not others.
I'm not saying that its wrong to care about ourselves first,
Its basic human nature. Right? That's survival.
But we also have to take time to think about others too - to assist when needed.
That's survival for Everyone.

Okay please think about our planet too okayy! hahaha! ^_^
(I'll touch on this issue in another post)

So yeah.. The pictures I took above are just a few..
I wanted to take pictures of us giving the rations to the recipient,
but I think not lah.. Should respect their privacy.
Somemore I'm using my camera phone
(Nokia 5800 - which have no silent mode option when taking pictures. How annoying)
So yeah, you should get my point. (:

So I went to Yishun, Chua Chu Kang, Marsiling, Bukit Gombak, Bukit Panjang, Bukit Batok, Jurong West, Boon Lay, Clementi, Whampoa, Ang Mo Kio, Boon Keng and some other unknown roads/places.
Yup me and Rina kinda covered a big chunk of Singapore in just 2 days.
And through that, we managed to find places never knew existed
and cool spots for photography too! (:

This one area in particular,

The kind of treatment that shopping carts get nowadays. hahaha!
Some are found along corridors and staircases. wahlaoz! xD

Oh yeah.. I thought the community service involves other student voulunteers too,
but it turned out to be only me and Rina, plus 2 other regular (husband-wife) volunteers. haha!
So only 4 of us. Which is practical too..
can't possibly send a bunch of people to the homes of people right?
And the regulars thought we're in for only 1 day.
Cos they said, students usually volunteer for 1 day out of the 2 days to complete the deliveries.
So I don't know what to comment on that lah ya.. teehee!

Okay thats all..
Gonna do something else now.. :\
Probably at home today. Tired to go out. hahaha!

Well you guys take care!

3 more weeks of holidays to go! :D

Random! Earth Hour!

Friday, March 26, 2010 at 4:41 PM

Not 60 seconds ahh! 60 minutes! hahaha!

So off your laptops and on your mobile phones!
Grab the candles and sit under a tree! wahahaha!

Hmm imagine LTA or HDB taking part in this! LOL!!

Random! (Sunday boredom)

Sunday, March 21, 2010 at 9:47 PM

What a Sunday I had today.
Woke up at 4+pm today.. The latest so far since the holidays began, hahaha!

Sometimes its just best to laze around at home, playing games or simply watch the tv.
So I kinda wasted half a day sleeping.. :\
but I don't mind that cos I haven't got anything to do anyway.

Wait, I do have something to do :/ hehe!

The Microsoft PhotoSynth, Photo360 competition.
My team didn't win anything, just received vouchers and stuff.
But it's okay I guess.. Had a good experience using the photosynth software.
Check out photosynth.net if you wanna get the idea of this project.

We were only given a week to take pictures and synth (or so-called stitch) them together.
The synthing and uploading part is time very consuming..
2 hours for 300 pictures. o.O
Depending on internet connection,
and the number of last-minute-people uploading at the same time..
IT'S WORSE than 2 hours. hahaha!
And of course, using the application for the first time, it turned out not the way we wanted it.
Plus, we had no time to return to the venue and retake everything.
So in the end, comparing with the awesome works of other 50 teams,
I could just say - We did our best. hahaha! :D

Hey wanna see views from Microsoft Singapore's office?!

Awesome views man!
Imagine having an apartment here. Sibei cool!
Can see Singapore River, Esplanade, IR, National Day Parade! hahaha!
Wah I don't mind staying here at all.

Buy a house at Sail@Marina lor!

Which is just beside the building I'm at.
It only cost $1.3million for a 1 bedroom 614sq.foot unit. ^_^

Apple Singapore's office is in Ang Mo Kio. :/ hmmm. LOL!

This is on another side of the office.
Thats a freakin' pool up there!!

Now I know theres a pool on the roof of that building.
I'm sure you just know too right?! ahahaha!

Okay lah!
I wanna find something else to do.

Take care!



Random! (D.Rawr!!)

Monday, March 15, 2010 at 10:58 PM
Another attempt to update due to boredom. hahaha!

How come I see nobody update blogs one ah? O.o? LOL
I do go around reading people's blog okay! heheheh!

Even YOURS! hehehehe! ok shuddup.

Especially nowadays. I get so easily bored.
On the com.. then, *blank*.. wah piang eh
It's as if the Internet is some tiny place, just get stuck there and don't know what to do.
And my sleeping pattern damn screwed! But it's the holidays so its okay. :D

So to fill my time,
other than being infront of the com playing with Photoshop and Illustrator,
I try to relax myself by doing drawings! :D
Drawings on a physical, bio-degradable piece of paper! YES!

I rarely do drawings using pens and fine-tip markers,
It kinda give me the constraint of not being able to erase after I draw something.
Now thats pretty hard considering a perfectionist that I am. hahaha!
Nonetheless, I gave it a try..

Being a rightie all my life, I decided to be a leftie once in a while. hehe!

Hey remember this..



I've seen some cool website designs
that uses personal drawings (ugly or not) to add personality to their sites.
They use them as banners, backgrounds and even buttons.
And it's damn nice!
Gone were the days when websites are JUST websites.
Now websites are viewed as a piece of art - for me at least. :D

So I hope to use my drawings and build a website from it. hehe!

About my exam results,
It was totally unexpected.
But then again, when I looked back,
I remembered staying behind almost everyday,
alone most of the time in school labs, going home only at 9 or 10pm,
I remembered complaining in my posts that school projects are getting on my nerves,
Lack of sleep, lack of rest, till one day I got sick, real sick.
I keep worrying about projects and deadlines.
About modules I'm lacking behind, catching up on whatever topics that I missed.
My 2 design modules (Freehand drawing and Color & Composition),
that both almost killed me. haha!
Yup I've been through alot,
and I guess now..
It was all worth it.

And it's all up to you in the end.

Alright thats all!
Enjoy your holidays! Draw if you're bored! hehe!

Take care! (:

Random! Yummy Food for Thought.

Sunday, March 14, 2010 at 12:42 AM

Physical imperfections can be fixed by any plastic surgeons (for that perfect nose), cosmetic dental surgeons (for that perfect smile) or dietitians (for that perfect BMI).

One's heart and soul can only be fixed by him or herself.

Random (Jack & Jillsss)

Saturday, March 13, 2010 at 12:32 AM

The weather has been very nice these few days..
End of the dry season maybe? :\
Even now as I'm typing this, dark clouds are looming nearby.
It's gonna rain!
So much for my previous post complaining about the weather.. heheh!

Thank Almighty. (:

Okay Jack Neo..
Everyone has been talking about him,
well its seems EVERYONE is talking about him huh..
ME? I don't really talk about him much..

I only think. ^_^

Yeah things like this make you think..

Does unfaithfulness come when you are freaking rich?
Ok maybe not freakishly rich lah.. but at least someone with loads of moolah.

Too rich you get complacent,
thinking that you can get anything you want.. even extra "wives".
Got money whaaat.. can support extras.. enjoy! "have fun"!.. puii!

I mean it happens everywhere!
Other than Tiger Woods, there are other past celebrities or iconic people,
simply people with money,
Get into this kind of shit.
I bet there are other rich people out there who are secretly doing these acts,
only that they are lucky enough NOT to get THAT greedy..

And sadly enough..
it's these kind of things that will get the media and people LIKE REALLY DAMN interested.
Natural, for humans to be intrigue by other people's misery.
But misery upon themselves, they wish the world won't bother.

For me.. why bother?
Yeah Jack Neo had multiple affairs. Ermm so?

Mr Jack made his mistake.. a deep grave one.
It's going to obviously tarnish his reputation as a Director that produce numerous award-winning family-oriented films.

People got angry cos he did something that sway away from morals he showed in his films?
Hmmm maybe?

Again.. why bother?

Just a lesson for us to learn from I guess.
Think of the consequences if you dare do it.
The higher you are in status, the more you have to think.
Cos humans like to spot the flaws of others somehow, unconsciencely or not . Weird. :\

And there are those normal medium-income (and low-income too)
men getting into this kind of mess too!
Probably greedy, lustful, men. Aiyoyo.

Yeah okay..

So I'm guessing your main purpose of coming to my blog is...




...Know my exam results righttt..????

Random! (Cos I feel.. dry)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 8:37 PM


My holidays are boring.. yup boring!

I wish I can find something to do and YET not feeling lazy doing it. Hahaha!
YOU also right right?! LOL

Ok so I can do anything lah except that I'm extremely lazy.
Always have this lethargic feeling during the day.
Yeah everyones blaming the weather.. from sunburns to sweaty sleepless nights.

And blardy hell.. there is hardly any rain in the East! @#$%!
I heard there's rain in the North, West, Central abit, North-East...


Go down south abit and it's the EAST! Why won't the rain come heRee!!
So frustrating. -___-"
Even the birds are seeking shelter under the trees!
If 2 weeks more of "drought" ah, be careful if you drink water in the open..
later the birds attack you!
Hahaha! Ok relax.

And no wonder 6 double-decker buses worth $3million were up in flames..
They also cannot tahan the heat.
That one never mind.. as long as bus fares don't go up due to that! hehehe!
Take that SBS for not lowering down Poly student fares!.. LOL!!

Seeing super dry grasses and near botak trees makes me kinda sad. LOL!
Like there's no life.. all.. dead. And feel dead inside too. haha!
I feel so..err.. dry. (hmm okay)
Grasses are so dry that it catches fire easily.
You smokers please dispose your BUTTS properly. hahaha!
So please please please let me see the greens again!
and flowers too! :D

Also.. the air is dry, stuffy and smokey. And it's pretty damn annoying.
Just makes you frown every time.
I think this lowers productivity levels everywhere.
Doing my work is such a drag everyday.. but still I have to do it.

Do work,
frustrated with weather,
go facebook,
play games to take mind off work,
continue with work.

Ok who to blame ah actually? hahahaha!

To those of my ITE friends who finally got postings to Polytechnics, Congrats!
It's normal for ITE students to enter late because of certain intake factors.
You've waited 1 year.. so do study hard! (:

To those who are unsuccessful,
there's been a point of time you feel that don't wanna study
and you didn't take the application seriously.
But its okay don't blame yourself.. there's always another time.
Sometimes you need more time to even understand yourself and what you want in life.
Sometimes you need time to mature yourself to take on further learning.
Whichever it is, opportunities can come in and from many ways. (:

Oh I wanted to upload the video about Paramore arriving at the Airport,
but editing using WMM is a piece of crap. hahaha!
YES CRAP. After more than 10 attempts, it always give problems at the middle of editing.
Damn annoying. -___-"
So I'll post it on another post (by the time basi already.. haha!) when I get to edit it using iMovie or something. (:

Lastly I wanna wish Saliza
May your wishes come true! ^_^
Stay healthy and stay strong! but not like Hulk kind of strong ah! hehe!

Alrightt.. Thats all.

You guys take care (;

Yup I saw you too!

Random! (Making Faces)

Thursday, March 4, 2010 at 4:41 PM

Random! (B-b-back!)

at 2:19 AM
It's.. well.. officially the school holidays now.





Sorry for the temporary closure of this blog, last few days I mean.
Maintenance which took more time than expected. xD
I kinda update on a few codes uh..

But I didn't open it back..


...I'm busy with my external work (website)!
Yup.. I was so engrossed with my work, I didn't have time to blog.
Or go out! and have fun.. @_@

Nevermind still got around 1 month plus to enjoy. ^_^

Well as in now, I've completed the restaurant website.. but still not satisfied!
I gotta improve moreeee!
Going to do another site to please myself. hehehe!
The site is going to be errr.. evaluated soon!! LOL! anxious can?!

Ok below are random pictures on random meet-ups. LOL!

Me and Ros!
My partner in petty crime. ahahaha!

Andini and Sharifah!
Had fun with you 2 by the way! ^^

Oh both occasions at Starbucks. OMG. hahaha!

Can't wait for the other upcoming outings. heheh..

Ok I dunno what else to update. :\

Oh this month is NOT the right month to go Sentosa please!
Or any other beach fun lah...
Weather so blardy hot.. confirm chop will kena sunburn!

So don't go burn yourself. hahaha!

If wanna go out.. after 5pm should be safe. :P

Ok enjoy the holidays! drink lots of fluid hor ^_^

Will update more soon!

Take care! (:
