My blog got stagnant huh? :P HEHE!
Sorry yaaaaa!
It's just that.. Blogging isn't the thing for me right now..
Either that or I got nothing to blog about.. hehe!
Cos it'll always be about school school school.
Sian right?
So yeah, anyway what you're gonna read below is about school. HAHAHA!
School has been very draggy.
Assignments piling up week by week.
(Crap, still got e-leaning to do. sian.)
Hais.. I need motivation once in awhile. I need to be happy, like truely happy.
Not that I was faking-ly happy lah. I am happy with my friends around. haha!
Damns, I think I should make the workload schedule my wallpaper. wahaha!
Hais...lessons lessons..
Often times, I get lost along the way. Like, I don't know why.
I did try to follow as fast as I can okayy!!
How fast should I follow through the lesson anyway? urhhh.
Dunno if it's me, or the lecturer.
But for one module, CONFIRM CHOP it's the lecturer! hahahahaha! =X
I think I cursed alot just for that lesson alone. hee!
Pictures of the award ceremony last Friday!
I'm proud of you girls! hehehehe!
And dammit, I should have applied for Bursary man! 2 times already, 2 times!
I should apply for this semester! Since it $500 per capita head, should be okay! I think.
hahahah! Just hope I don't forget. :P
All the sudden, I'm blessed with external projects to do,
a chance to built up my portfolio.
But, I'm not blessed with the time to do them lah. Haiyah.
Which is why I feel that time is the greatest gift anyone can give. (:
You know what.. I feel like changing my blog again.
The layout I mean.
Gonna turn it into a Blog cum Portfolio. (Blogolio! hahaha! ok lame.)
Then offer my design services here.
Probably change the URL too. What do you think? ^_^
But then again, not so soon lah.. When I have the time that is. haha!
I wish I can have someone to talk to now,
someone I'm comfortable with,
I miss that girl living one block away from me.. :(
On another note,
May you be blessed with health, happiness and love all around.
Hope you like the gift. ^_^
Actually I already know, cos you just told me you like the gift!
From the way I see it - to the max. HAHAHAH!
Hmmm okayy I think I got nothing else to say. LOL!
Alright thats all for today!
Don't know when my next blog post will be though :\
Ahahaha! Will update when I can lah hor!
Takecare! (:
The fact that I couldn't be there to see you smile. siiighh.