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Farewell Daniel Ong.

Friday, February 19, 2010 at 1:58 PM
(picture taken from 987FM/Daniel Ong's Facebook page)

Picture taken after his ending speech.. Dan - with teary eyes. :'(

OMG. It was totally unexpected that today was his last day.
I'm so damn bloody glad I got to listen to him on his last day man!

The Dan&Young show has always managed to turn my dreadful-9am-school days
into a positive start.
Their funny antics makes me smile alone in bus journeys to school like one goondu sia. LOL!

Dan has been in the radio scene for 15 years.

The reason he resigned?
To be a good dad, take care of his baby daughter with his wife - together.
I call that sweet please! haha!
He mentioned he didn't grow up with a dad, and all he wants now is - be a great father and give the best for his daughter. :)

Soon after his speech ended,
the song "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by Greenday was played.
Alamak I tell you.. I was at the verge of tearing up sia! hahaha! omg so emotional -__-" LOL!

Well I wish you the best Daniel Ong.
I'm sure many will miss you..
(including me lah of course! haha!)

I'm not sure if its going to be the same without you around,
but one thing's for sure...
You'll be a great dad. ^^

Update 19 Feb 3:42pm
After much probing around on news of Daniel's departure circulating the net, it was found that Dan was suspended from On-Air duties. But Dan called it quits soon after. I don't know how true or accurate is that info. If its because of the similar Sheikh Haikel case, I seriously think some Singaporeans need to lighten up, open up and stop complaining. Why not advice or remind? You know what I don't care. Daniel Ong made my mornings great.

