2 projects will due next week and 2 lab tests that will come along with it..
I'm tired.
But still I had a little err.. fun drawing cartoons for my VDT module.
I went all out sia, coz its due tomorrow. -.- ahaha!
Yup, when it comes to drawings/arts, last minute work is no problem for me. hee!
This drawing assignment is not too complex lah,
The theme is "strawberry".
It can be anything to do with strawberries, and so I did a cartoon. LOL!
Think of a real simple storyboard and just work on it.
Idea of the storyboard was agreed by me and my tired brain 3 hours ago. muahaha!
Okay so I came out with a character called - Berry.
A curious little strawberry who likes to kepo around.
Berry (very) the curious.. lame title huh. LOL!!
By the way school feels kinda different today..
The aura of sick people around.. yes alot of people not feeling well hor.
Somehow today feels unlively. ahaha!
Man I hate falling sick. But I got the feeling that I'm going to be sick soon. -___-"
Anyways I passed all my term tests! The best was computing maths.
I would want to do better for 2 of the other subjects but nevermind..
Hope I can get better for the other components such as projects.
I'm trying hard not to get a C for any modules man.
Hope things go well. Hais.
Okeh thats all!
Thank you berry much!
I miss Hidhub and gang in school, I miss IrnaBanana. ahaha!
Take care! (: