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Sunday, August 31, 2008 at 10:20 PM
To all my muslim friends, have a great fasting month ahead!
No "blogging-cum-mengumpat" ye!


100% Funny.

Monday, August 25, 2008 at 4:25 PM
This is so funny!
Especially the prank call. LoL!
(Listen to the Podcast below)

98.7FM Muttons In The Morning!

The laugh that you need today mann.

100% Random

Saturday, August 23, 2008 at 5:07 PM

Me and Aqmal were reading the newpaper in school the other day.
Looking at the movies section, he suddenly say this:
"Why the asian horror movies the hantu/s all female ah?"
I was like: "Yar HoR."

Yeah and i began to notice further it really is indeed 90% female!
..and dead children. -__-"

I guess women tend to be wayyy scarier than men.
Especially with long hair.
(Cos men should stick to short hair.)
They tend to be more creative in scaring people.
They look better with a pale face with the occasional splashes of blood around the eyes or at the side of their mouth.
They make more scary sounds. o.O?
They laugh better than men.
And they can grow long nails.. O.o?

Women can be predictable as well as unpredictable.
Women can be strong, destructive and have no mercy.
Women lift you up your feet and blow you away.
You could either find yourself up a tree or in Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

Gee.. Now i know why hurricanes have female names.


Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 11:28 PM
MyFlashFetish has the coolest flash players,
but the Mp3 source is sooo limited. Most come from youtube.


Music quality is therefore, not good.

Playlist.com is still my preferred choice.

So enjoy.
Songs here are featured on 98.7FM yaw..

100% Random

Sunday, August 17, 2008 at 9:55 PM

You may have done wrong to the person close to you..

..Remember that they will be the ones not letting you fall.

When you care..

..you care for everyone.

Gawd i'm so bored. -____-"

I miss you sally sweetheart...! <333

100% Random

Monday, August 11, 2008 at 12:36 PM

I read baby's post which was so sweet la kan.. ahaha!
Then i saw this pic on her post.
Gawd i miss those times. Being with my scooter dudes. Our bond was power.
What more than to be there with baby too. hee!
For the above pic, thats my kind of National Day spirit. hehe!
Thanks darling for the touching post..lol.

i feel like i got nothing better to do this long weekend.
And the reason for writing this meaningless post.
(Need to take a break from those gamings lah..hee)

No parents, 42 inch HD LCD tv, Xbox360, Halo3, Grand Theft Auto 4.
With crystal clear 3D experience. fuhh
ahahaha! the concoction of gaming heaven..
Ok back to car jacking, killing, shooting and selling drugs.
After my bro is done with his Halo3 that is.. -___-"
Fun to watch though..lol

1st Year Anniversary!

Thursday, August 7, 2008 at 10:39 PM
It's a simple yet significant day for me and Sally.
It's the day when she first kissed me on the cheek when all wanted was just a hug.
A year ago. In school! haha! Paisey nye!

She kinda of surprised me with a mini cake, photo holder thingy with our photo (sweet), and gave me lots of hugs.
So sweet and adorable of her to go through the trouble. hehe!
She even told me to meet her at
7pm at Pasir Ris beach.
I told her "why 7pm?". Before that she said her dad scolded her for going out at such time. =P
She answered, "Cos it's 7 Aug"


Wah like Beijing Olympic gitu eh.
Numbers linking each other.

She was struggling to keep the candle flame on the cake alive when she saw me coming cos it was windy. At the beach, at night mah. Which was cute lah! I cant stop smiling seeing her from far. ehehe!
Baby said she burned her finger. Awww.
I feel bad yet touched at the same time.
o.O? haha!

Your sweetness is greatly appreciated by me dear.. (:
I know that you save up your money for this kays.

Sucks that i was feeling unwell, of all days, yet i try not to make our day turn bad.

I Love You.
The 3 words that can never be said enough.

I read your post sayang. hehe! I love you laaah!

Because being with you just feels so right

100% Random

Wednesday, August 6, 2008 at 10:56 PM
Bored during Design class.
I typed my name in Google search engine,
and this was the 1st image that came out.

My name in arabic!
AND the year i'm born summore!

Surprised to see other Aizuddin's out there loving photography too! hehe! Best!

Meet the in-Laws

Sunday, August 3, 2008 at 11:35 PM

Our impromptu outing turned out to be different, But it was great!
We were already out, at Pasir Ris, still deciding where to go -__-"

my mum called,
Family wanted to have dinner at Vivocity.
i asked baby along!!

At last the ladies get to meet and spend time together.
Definitely a worthwhile moment for me and baby.


Your future in-laws hor~!

100% Random

Friday, August 1, 2008 at 6:27 PM
I realised that I've been consuming too much sugar laden drinks.

By the way my "Thailand Trip" friend, Irfaan says,
"avoiding sugar drinks and drinking only plain water is the basis of losing weight"

Excessive sugar (glucose) in body will eventually turn to fats.

Together with a healthy diet of fat free (no skin) chicken meat, lots of veggies and light 10min exercises,
in 4-5 months, there will be a difference in your weight.

No this not a muscle building diet programme.
It is simply to reduce your weight.

This friend of mine was barely recognizable when i saw him last month.
