Too much free time in school already.. wahahaha!
So only left with Programming submission and labtest on Friday.
Right now the only word I could think of is "slack". Ok maybe not slack lah.. more like REST.
Eh anyway the Internet connection is slow today due to a cable damage somewhere around the China sea I think (I dunno where lah but go read the news) I think got earthquake somewhere, then the undersea Internet cable kena damaged. So connection to domains outside of Asia Pacific is gonna be slow. But actually its still okay lah.. The slower speed is still bearable. ahahaha!
I happen to read a forum somewhere where this group of netizens complaining about the damn slow internet connection speed, scold here scold there, vulgarities all come out.. nabey. These people ah.. Cable got damaged by mother nature what! Give me a break man. You complain also no point what. The cables are being fixed anyway.
See lah. They all (or We..hehe) get so used to the fast connection speed, that even the smallest amount of lag-ness (got such word or not?) will make us go into frustration. Stress, then vent it out online hoping everyone would notice and join you. Frustrated about internet connection can still complain ONLINE. wahahaha. weirdos.
Alamak relax lah.. Chill..
One day no connection at all how? Like totally destroyed! Mampus! Habis! I suggest hor, those who cannot tahan the slow speed now - go die better.
And thats all for today folks!TAKECARE! (:
Actually I'm sleepy (^^.)