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Thursday, August 23, 2007 at 8:45 PM

Brief happenings today..

sch was normal..
had tps mock test today....
the multiple choice questions was alrite i gez,
i missed out studying some parts.. thanks to not-so-last minute revision..ahaaha!
spent a short afternoon by the beach wif baby..
needed to calm my mind (a routine once a month thingy)
(it'll be picnic nex time yea huns?? after the exams tat is.. AND after the fasting month..hee)

ohhh glad napfa test was over..!
i dunno why i bother doin it..
im done wif NS..
no need the cut-on-serving-full-time-NS-thingy..
if can get cut from 10-year-reservist cycle..wow tat'll be awesome! i wont mind doin the napfa..ahaha!
well i gez i jus wanna be with the class.. hav fun, watch each and everyone be silly at every station..ahahahaa!
indeed i enjoyed myself..
besides, i need to "kickstart" the habit to actually goin on daily jogs..
(yep i did tat wen i was serving NS, i was acceptably fit..ahem ahem..haha!)
hmmm.. feel like carrying weights later on..
eat 1st lah..hungry lah sey..! ahahahaa!


